How To Do Keyword Research For Your Etsy Site

Are you struggling as an Etsy seller to get your products in front of the right buyers? If yes, then you may be missing a very important aspect of online business success which is keyword research.

In this guide we will take an in-depth look at Etsy keyword research so that you can find out how it works and help yourself become more visible, drive traffic and make money on the platform in the long run.

Why Keyword Research Is Important For Your Etsy Store

As a seller on Etsy, visibility is everything. With millions of active buyers and sellers on the platform, it’s easy for your products to get lost among others when not properly optimized. 

This means better visibility can only be achieved through keywords. Reaching out to your ideal customers effectively demands this too.

What Are Keywords and How Do They Work on Etsy?

Keywords refer to words or phrases customers type when searching for products. If a person enters a query into the Etsy SEO search bar, the algorithm of the platform checks all listings in order to identify matches with highest relevance based on keywords used in titles, tags and descriptions.

Etsy keywords determine how well your listings can be seen and where they rank. You will show up higher in search results if your keywords are more relevant and specific. Nevertheless, you should know that listing quality as well as customer engagement among other things affect search position too because of constant changes in algorithms used by Etsy’s system.

How to Find Best Keywords for Your Etsy Listings

To find the right keywords for your Etsy listings, you need a mixture of investigation, inspection, and imagination. Here are a few efficient tactics that will help you determine the most relevant and valuable keywords for your products:

Brainstorm Keyword Ideas

Commence by listing down all words or phrases that can be used to describe your items. This includes materials used in making them, their colors as well as styles among others. Adopt a user’s perspective while thinking about what terms they would use during searches for similar things.

Use Etsy’s Search Bar and Autocomplete

Etsy comes with an inbuilt keyword tool. When you type something into its search bar, it will suggest related searches depending on what is frequently queried. Such recommendations could offer insights into various search queries which people employ when looking up items like yours.

Analyze Your Competitors’ Listings

Carefully examine similar successful listings’ titles, tags or descriptions. Find out what keywords have been employed by your competitors and establish whether any of those could apply to your own listings.

Utilize Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools come in handy since they give useful information about competition levels, related key phrases plus search volumes amongst other aspects. Some examples include Maramlead or Erank among many others. This way one can be able to discover high potential keywords which may have slipped through their fingers during this exercise.

Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Popular terms attract many bidders but also face stiff competition. This leads to low conversion rates because sellers rank poorly. There’s too much rivalry over who should appear first. This might not always work, especially if other well-established ones occupy those spaces. 

Try using longer multi-word phrases, known as long-tail keywords. These usually have higher conversions because they’re more specific. For instance, use “bohemian turquoise beaded necklace” instead of just “handmade necklace.”

Blend Keywords Into Uncommon Expressions

Come up with unique descriptive phrases that reflect your products by experimenting with different combinations of words; this can enable you to target particular searches better while also ensuring that you do not get lost among many similar looking things.

Etsy Keyword Research Tools to Simplify Your Life

While manual keyword research can be effective, leveraging specialized tools can significantly streamline the process and provide valuable insights. Here are some popular keyword research tools for Etsy sellers:

Etsy’s Built-in Keyword Tool

Etsy offers a free keyword tool accessible through your shop’s marketing section. This tool allows you to search for keywords and see their monthly search volume, as well as related search terms and trends.


Erank is a comprehensive Etsy search engine optimisation tool that provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition analysis. It also offers listing optimization recommendations and performance tracking.


Another popular Etsy keyword research tool is Marmalead. This tool helps in finding high-traffic keywords, analyzes listings of your competitors’ tags and titles optimization etc.It also provides detailed information about each keyword including engagement rate or search volume.

Google’s Keyword Planner

Designed mainly for Google Ads but still can be useful for Etsy sellers too. Google’s Keyword Planner gives an insight into the level of competition among advertisers based on which ones bid higher than others. It also shows related searches along with the approximate number of times those terms were searched each month.

Keyword Surfer

Real-time search volume, cost-per-click (CPC) data and keyword suggestions are shown by Keyword Surfer while typing in the Google search bar. This is done through chrome browser extension only integrating with domain results page(s).

Do not forget that these tools may prove extremely helpful only when combined with your own research work or analysis skills. Approach strategies from various angles, combining product understanding with audience awareness. Use findings from both manual methods and automated software.

Understanding Etsy Search Trends and Seasonality

Search tendencies can radically impact how well keywords and listings perform on Etsy. Some phrases may receive a surge in searches due to certain holidays, seasons, or pop culture events while others may not be so lucky. 

This means that you should know what is going on during these times if you want to optimize your keyword strategies and listings accordingly.

  1. Seasonal Keywords: During specific periods of time products associated with holidays or seasons tend to be searched for more frequently than usual. For example, if it were Christmas many people would search “Christmas ornaments” a lot or during summer lots of individuals might type in “summer dresses”.
  1. Event-Based Keywords: When there are special occasions like weddings or graduations, people start looking up information online about them. They usually turn to platforms such as Etsy where sellers list items under different tags including the names of events. Therefore sellers need to identify relevant event-based keywords which can drive temporary traffic increases.
  1. Trending Keywords: Current cultural happenings influenced by social media virality often create trends among users. Sellers should keep track of what becomes trending product categories and buzzwords during such times because it puts them ahead in competition and lets them reach out to wider audiences.
  1. Evergreen Keywords: Apart from seasonal or trending words sellers should also pay attention to those phrases that maintain consistent levels all year round. These form the basis for the SEO strategies adopted by many e-commerce platforms like Etsy. They generate traffic consistently irrespective of whether there is any change caused by seasonality elsewhere.

Keep monitoring your Etsy analytics frequently as this will help you stay updated on any shifts related to searches. Follow industry news sites/blogs too along with cultural events happening either online or offline.

Optimizing Your Etsy Titles and Tags with Keywords

Once you’ve identified your target keywords, it’s time to strategically incorporate them into your Etsy listings. The title and tags sections are the most critical areas for keyword optimization, as they directly impact your search rankings and visibility.

  1. Optimize Your Etsy Titles: Your listing titles are arguably the most important places to include your target keywords. Aim to use your primary keyword phrase within the first few words of the title, and avoid keyword stuffing or unnecessary repetition.
  1. Leverage Etsy Tags: Etsy allows you to include up to 13 tags per listing, which can significantly boost your visibility for relevant searches. Use a combination of your target keywords, related keywords, and long-tail keyword phrases in your tags
  1. Prioritize Relevance and Readability: While keyword optimization is crucial, it’s essential to maintain relevance and readability in your titles and tags. Avoid using irrelevant keywords or sacrificing clarity for the sake of keyword stuffing.
  1. Continuously Update and Refine: As you gather data on your listings’ performance and search trends, periodically revisit and refine your titles and tags. Adjust your keyword strategies based on what’s working and what’s not, and stay agile in responding to changes in search behavior and algorithm

The Importance of Long-Tail Keywords for Etsy Listings

While popular, broad keywords can be highly competitive and difficult to rank for, long-tail keywords offer a unique opportunity to target more specific search queries and potentially reach a more qualified audience. Long-tail keywords are typically longer, more descriptive phrases that capture the intent of a searcher more accurately.

For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword “necklace,” a long-tail keyword could be “handmade turquoise beaded necklace with silver charms.” While the search volume for this specific phrase might be lower, the conversion rate for those searches is often higher because the searcher has a clear idea of what they’re looking for.

Analyzing Your Competitors’ Keywords for New Opportunities

Digging into competitors’ keywords on Etsy can uncover hidden gems. You can identify gaps and untapped potential by understanding their keyword strategy.

Here’s how:

  1. Study Their Listings: Examine titles, tags and descriptions from successful listings. Find words that are overused, as well as phrases that have been overlooked.
  1. Use Keyword Research Tools: Enter competitors’ listings into tools such as Erank or Marmalead. You’ll be able to see exactly which words are driving traffic to their products.
  1. Keep an Eye on Competitors’ Etsy Ads: Look at any ads they may be running, this will give you insight into bidding words and keyword strategies.
  1. Check Related Searches: Scroll down below listings to the related searches section. This will show you more keyphrases customers might use.
  1. Read Customer Reviews: Look at buyer feedback on similar items. See what people have complained about before, so you know what not to do with your own listings.

Continuously track your competitors’ keyword trends so that you can effectively optimize your listings over time.

Measuring and Tracking Your Keyword Performance on Etsy

Understanding what is working, what is not, and where you should make changes requires measuring and tracking keyword performance. Several analytic tools are provided by Etsy to monitor keyword performance and allow you to make decisions based on data.

  1. Etsy Stats: Overall shop performance such as views, orders and revenue can be tracked by this section of Etsy shop stats. You can filter these metrics by specific listing or keyword to see which keywords are driving more traffic or sales.
  1. Search Analytics: In your Etsy marketing tools there is a search analytics section that shows the search terms customers used to find your listings. This information helps identify top-performing keywords and discover new opportunities.
  1. Listing Analytics: Each individual listing has its own analytics page on Etsy which provides detailed information about views, favorites and sales for that particular product. You can optimize these listings for better performance by analyzing these statistics alongside keyword usage.
  1. Etsy Ads Analytics: Conversion rates, click-through rates (CTRs), costs per acquisition (CPAs) etc., are some valuable data points that can be found at the ads analytics section if you run an ad campaign through Etsy including specific keywords as targeting options .

Apart from these built-in tools provided by Etsy itself. Third-party analytic platforms or spreadsheets could also be used to track over time how well different words work in relation with one another – this may help spot trends. Monitoring seasonal shifts enables prioritization of keywords, ensuring optimal decision-making. This approach ensures all keywords are utilized when needed.

Please do not forget that measurement plus tracking equals ongoing activity. It is a continuous process in light of competition analysis through regular review coupled with data driven optimization for success maximization in an etsy store.

Bonus Tips: Advanced Etsy Keyword Research Strategies

While the fundamentals of keyword research are essential, implementing advanced strategies can give you a significant edge in the competitive Etsy marketplace. Here are some bonus tips to take your Etsy keyword research to the next level:

  1. Consider the intent behind different search queries and adjust your keywords accordingly. For example, a searcher using the phrase “handmade pottery ideas” may be looking for inspiration, while someone searching for “handmade pottery vase” is likely further along in the buying process.
  1. Experiment with combining your target keywords with modifiers like colors, materials, or styles to create more specific and descriptive phrases. For instance, “handmade ceramic mug with coated glaze” as well as “rustic reclaimed wood coffee table.”
  1. If your products cater to specific geographic regions or niche communities, consider incorporating location-based or niche-specific keywords into your strategy. For example, “Chicago handmade bag” or “vegan leather purses.”
  1. Utilize negative keywords to help you exclude irrelevant searches and improve the quality of the traffic you receive. For example, if you sell handmade pottery but not mass-produced ceramics, you could use negative keywords like “machine-made” or “factory” to filter out unwanted searches.
  1. Monitor and adapt to algorithm updates to stay informed about any updates or changes that could impact your keyword strategies. Regularly review industry blogs, forums, and Etsy’s own announcements to stay ahead of the curve.

These advanced strategies and continuously refining your approach will gain you a competitive edge in the Etsy marketplace and ensure your listings are visible to the right customers at the right time.

Your Etsy Keyword Success: Determination and Perseverance

Becoming proficient in Etsy keyword research may feel overwhelming, but it is an important skill for any successful seller. By doing it right and using the correct tools, you can discover the words that potential customers are typing into search when they want to find items like yours.

Stay persistent. Keep looking at trends, checking out competitors, improving listings – this pays off. If nothing happens straight away – tweak your approach with patience.

And most of all believe in your products and never give up! Use those targeted phrases which will attract people who are likely to buy from you anyway – then watch sales soar through the roof.

You’ve got this! Good luck with searching keywords!